Anda Bukan Orang Pertama!

bismillahirahmanirrahim Assalamualaikum wbt.

Artikel ini dipetik dari: Shahrazad

Hey, brothers and sisters in Islam, you are not the first! You are not the first one be in predominantly non-Muslim country that feel some difficulties and challenges as a Moslem. These might be one of the challenges that you encounter while you're in non moslem country.

  • Being alienated
  • Discrimination
  • Hard to get a job
  • Expensive halal meat
  • People not underestand our condition
  • Being called as an extremist
  • Lack of trust
  • Continually exposed to bad things
  • etc...
 Yes, you are not the first one who encounter difficulties above, but actually the first generation of the Prophet Muhammad pbuh had felt all of these! Do you remember Islam was actually came from Makkah, when jahiliah surrounding the environment? From the jahiliah environment , Islam came to bring the light. Islam taught many sahabah and sahabiah about their purpose of life...

And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me[51:56]

And [mention, O Muhammad], when your Lord said to the angels, "Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority...........[2:30]


Dear brothers and sisters in Islam,

I want to share with you the story of a few sahabah and sahabiah and how they cope in a predominantly non Moslem country..
1) Jafar ibnu Abi Talib and his wife Asma'

~ Within 5 years of al-quran's revelation, the first migration to Abbysinia occured. The first couple who lived in Abbysinia for 10 years was Jafar ibnu Abi Talib( the nephew to the prophet) and asma'. They had three children there. Jafar was known as "Father of the Poor".

Abu Hurairah said of him: " The best of men toward us indigent folk was Jafar ibn Abi Talib. He would pass by us on his way home and give us whatever food he had. Even if his food had run out, he would send us a pot in which he had placed some butterfat and nothing more. We would open it and lick it clean..."

 And what had happened to Asma'? She became a great scholar in Abbysinia. 

2) Uthman ibn Affan and Ruqayya

~ He set up business in Abbysinia and made connections that used to bring great wealth and support the Ummah. Ruqayya was the daughter of the prophet pbuh and she gave birth to a son in Abbysinia.

3) Umm Salamah

~ Umm Salamah had 4 children. She wrote about the peaceful life they lived in Abbysinia. She was a consultant for her knowledge of hadeeth.

4) Abdur Rahman ibn Awf

 ~ He used the knowledge he learnt in Abyssinia. He earn so much wealth but he never used the wealth for his own sake and the did not allow it to corrupt him.

 5) Saad ibn Abu Waqqas

 ~ He lead many expiditions deep into Asia and he was credited with bringing Islam to China. There ia a hadeeth that tells us to seek knowledge until you reach China. He also had a great wealth.


All of the sahabah and sahabiah listed above were very successful during their life time in a non- Moslem country. Not only them, but there were lots of sahabah and sahabiah who succeed in their life after struggling in performing da'awah in the country.

They had shown very inspiring stories and these stories are for us to learnt and take 'hikmah'. Use that when you think you are give up living in non moslem country! 

You don't have to sacrifice your religion. 

You can be successful in a land where you are a stranger, a minority , and a person of different faith

And lastly, do hold the props below to succeed in your life:)
  • Industrious
  • Honest
  • Faithful to your practices
  • Treat everyone justly
  • Help those in need

 "Put trust in Allah, but tie your camel"

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